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Mahatma Vidur

4.4 ( 8464 ratings )

Vidura was an important character of the epic Mahabharata. When time came for a crown prince to be chosen, it was Vidura who brought up the elephant in the room-namely that despite being older, Dhritarashtras blindness made him an unfit king.

Vidura then supported Pandus election to the kingship, much to the relief of Hastinapurs prime minister.

What is Vidur Neeti?

After the return of the Pandavas from exile the war became inevitable as wicked Duryodhana (son of Dhitarashtra) refused the demand for minimum compensation.

Vidur Niti is the record of the conversation that took between Mahatma Vidur and King Dhitarashtra regarding the policies that must be adapted for smooth worldly affairs as well as for success in the after-world.

Application iprovides

* Vidur Niti in Sanskrit with hindi Translation
* About Vidur